Filipino Job Fairs

Filipino job fairs in Manila has been very successful. Many Filipinos has been able to get jobs despite the current world economic crisis. It was very noticeable how Filipino job …

Returning OFW Integration

There are almost two(2) million Filipinos working overseas remitting almost US$200 Million annually. It is one of the main sources of green bucks for the Philippine government. The recession have …

Recession : Jobless to topless

Retrenched workers just could not another job they want. Survival is the key, desperate measures requires desperate measures. The recession is luring women to strip tease to make both ends …

Gold Rush

In 1897, at the height of a major U.S. recession and banking crisis, a gold discovery on the Klondike River in Yukon Territory triggered one of the biggest gold rushes …

Hail Obama

The sincerity of US President Obama to bail-out the US economy is truly unprecedented. I admire him for his courage to have the executives of AIG investigated for getting a …