Denied of Training or Just Racism

I was again denied of much needed training. This is the nth time that I got disapproved from a training for reasons the approving person always failed to tell me why.

Background – the most current disapproved training was about a legal requirement that personnel involved in a project should posses a competency certificate. In this case – hazardous area classification competency training.

Despite the long years of experience I have on hazardous area design, I do not have a certificate on this. The certificate is needed by the client to be a part of the hazardous area dossier document. As the Lead Electrical Engineer for this project, I needed this training very badly as detail design will be completed in a couple of months.

Back to the disapproved training, I was only told of the reason when I asked my RGL that my TSL again disapproved my training because the company does not need another personnel to undergo similar training again. By the way, another Electrical Engineer have undergone similar training. But what the TSL don’t know is that we are on different project.

Another guy from got approved for the same training I was opting for. But he was from another discipline and another TSL. That’s ridiculous.

I was denied of the training (because I don’t need it as the TSL said), or the TECHEX don’t have the budget for it because the TSL have spent it all for people he knows,  or probably – the TSL hates me ( Iwas the only one he did not meet when he visited our local office) or the TSL is a racist because I am brown!

A good news – the TSL transferred to another division of the company and he was replaced by another guy – I am hoping he is not a racist.

All I thought my company is very much against harassment, racism or discrimination – are they not aware of these small things happening beneath the surface?

If this practice of racism will continue, I believe that it is about time to leave the company.

After too much persistence pushing the new TSL to approve my training, it was approve but only after the approval of the Chief Engineer.

Lessons Learned:
If you are right and entitled to it, don’t give up, don’t be afraid – fight for it, it is your privilege.