Tools not provided

Some companies do not always provide you with tools required to complete your task quickly and efficiently. I do not truly understand this company philosophy. Even if they will provide the tools, it does not come in time just when you need it.

Anyway, there are always ways to complete a task. In my current job, I need to retrofit a more than 30 years old 11 kV circuit breaker with a new vacuum circuit breaker with additional features such as remote (wired) motorized racking.

The existing wiring diagram is shown below.
Existing Wiring Diagram

I have tried the old school method of “cut & paste” but it is taking me more time photocopying, cutting and pasting. To modify, I need to go all over again. It just does not work with a time constraints put in placed.

Remember back in 2011 when I posted that PDF Xchange Viewer saved my day? This time, it is again my savior. Being a portable application, it does not require IT support to install. Just download, extract and your ready to fire off.

The modified wiring diagram is shown below.

Modified Wiring Diagram

You may asked, why not just red mark it and give it to the designer to do the modification in CAD? You got a point in there. However, it is not as easy as it sounds.

Tools not provided by the company? Do not despair, there is always an alternative way to complete a task.