Blackouts – A Curse or Just Coincidence

In my previous articles in September 2009,January 2010 and February 2012, I discussed about blackouts in the Philippines.

It was during the term of the late President Cory Aquino that the Philippines has experienced the worst blackouts in history. All I thought, it will never happen again but the government has not learned its lessons. At this time, its the term of President Noynoy Aquino and in Mindanao, blackouts of the same magnitude as during the late President Cory is again being experienced.

Is this scenario a curse to the Aquinos or just a coincidence?

Curse or coincidence, it is the people suffering from the lack of electricity supply. Bringing a power generating barge to supplement the power shortage is like a bandage put on a bleeding wound. It is only temporary and it may even aggravate the situation as these power barges are diesel driven which are too expensive to operate leading to a more expensive electricity.

In the past, the cause of power shortage was a discontinued power development program of the previous government. At this time, I truly don’t have any idea what it is. However, whatever the cause of the new power shortage, long term solutions are required to prevent having these problems occurring again.