Quality or Deadline

Today is a stressful day for me. I have been juggling two projects, both of which are trying to beat deadlines.

In one project, we need to submit our our concept selection documents today only less than a week after receiving client’s comments. In the other, we are trying to compile a proposal and getting ready for a constructibility workshop. This day was a hectic day for stressing me out. Attending meetings alone destructs the momentum of updating my documents for submission. This is where I got burnt out. I just committed to many errors which are totally not acceptable at this stage of the project.

Which should be the deciding factor, quality or beating the deadline? At this time, if you ask me, I will just tell you I don;t know. I am having mental block and my brain just stopped working. In other words, I am totally stressed out.

I did not meet the deadline but hopefully, tomorrow, I will be and I will submit a quality report.