Double Dip Recession

The world stock market is again tumbling due effected by the European economic crisis. Economic shock waves is again felt all over the world. Stock markets are in their lowest …

Ubuntu Linux on Asus 1005PE

Asus EEEPC 1005PE has Windows 7 Starter out of the box, however, being a Linux user, I wanted to use Ubuntu on the Asus 1005PE without over-writing its original OS. …

Principles of Differential Relaying

I attended a seminar on “Principles of Differential Relaying” yesterday at the Engineers Australia (Queensland Division) Hawken Auditorium presented by Patrick Arendse, Specialist Engineer Hydro Tasmania Consulting. The Principles of …

Greek Gods to Rescue Crisis

Perses, the god of destruction, is ruling the streets of Greece because Phoebe, goddess of the “bright” intellect and prophecy, was not able to foresee the late effects of the …