The Parody of Choice

While reading the newspaper today, I came into two similar articles about the parody of choice.

The first article is an editorial titled “Choice is a paradox, the opportunity to get what we want but may regret if we missed an oppotunity.”

The title is well said that even if we don’t read the whole article we already know what the writer wants to tell us.

The other article is titld “Choice is a bad thing”. It explained that having too many choices is just stressful. It added further that technology and society are becoming too complex that people are being crippled by excessive choices.

The author is right, a good example is choosing a “mobile phone”. After chosing the right phone model, the next choice will be for the carrier. And after so many choices, we come up with a choice only to realize in the end that we made a bad choice.

A deemed bad choice makes us depressed and confused thinking why we made such a bad choice where in fact we have other alternatives we could have chosen.

Given a choice is worse than having no choice at all. Without any alternative, we can focus our mind that what we have is the best and we did the best decision.