Water-Hybrid System – An Answer to Total Oil Dependency

Daniel Dingle – a Filipino Inventor claims to have invented a “hydrogen reactor” – a device which he claims to have used to power a water-fueled car.

In Dingle’s biography on his website, it was described how his invention works, quoting

How it works
In brief, Dingel’s invention uses gasoline only to get the engine started. Then water passes through two reactors in the engine which splits it into hydrogen and oxygen to trigger off combustion.

There are many detractors on this technology. It is considered a hoax by many technologist. On the contrary, Water-Hybrid System Technology is a reality but the technology is not Daniel Dingle’s monopoly. William S. Power have original plans about this technology and established a company to distribute the technology:

Power Products, 7017 N Linchfield Rd. #388, Glendale, AZ 85307.

What is the Water-hybrid system?

Water-hybrid systems essentially convert your vehicle to use water as a source of supplemental or even primary fuel. The engine derives fuel from hydrogen and oxygen, generated by the electrolysis of water.

Theoretically, oil-based fuel and an electrical power supply is not required, in most cases however it is a necessity. The only by-product, of water-hybrid systems, resulting from the hydrogen and oxygen components of combustion within the engine is water vapor resulting to cleaner emissions with fewer polluting particles. Water-hybrid system is no doubt a “cleaner” system, more friendly to the environment, and could help reduce green house gas emission causing climate change.

Water-hybrid derives supplemental fuel from a free and inexhaustible resource: WATER! This means that the world’s dependence on oil-based fuels will be reduced.

Principle of Electrolysis of Water

Water electrolysis is simply the breaking down of water into its basic hydrogen and oxygen atoms by passing an electric current through it. Electrolysis is similar to the reaction which occurs within your cars’ battery.

Electrolysis of water is an old technology, it was first accomplished nearly a century ago. Not until technologies like the water-hybrid system were developed, it is a very inefficient system. It actually required more electrical energy than the energy derived from the combustion of the resulting hydrogen and oxygen.

The inefficiency of electrolysis process has limited its practical use.

The water-hybrid system is a practical solution developed for use in fuel-injected and carburated motor vehicles. The secret of the water-hybrid system lies within its HyTronic module. The HyTronic Module is an electronic device used to control and power to the water-hybrid system’s electrically operated devices. It produces relatively low voltage, but uniquely shaped electronic pulses of precise frequency and duration. The overall power consumption of the HyTronic module and the entire water-hybrid system is fairly low. It is actually low enough to be easily powered by the vehicle’s excess electrical and heat output, and with enough reserve power left to help run all your vehicle’s other electrical devices.

Water-hybrid system is not a Daniel Dingle monopoly. Do-it-yourself (DIY) kits are now commercially available. However, when this technology will pickup remains to be seen.

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