At this times where supercomputers could fit into a mobile phone and utility softwares are always available to do particular tasks, most Electrical Engineers tend to forget how to implement hand calculations, have already forgotten how to implement the basics or blindly memorized the cumbersome formula for base conversions. In the event that these Electrical Engineers need to provide on the spot fault or load flow calculations, they often fail to deliver. It is also common that the results of utility softwares have errors due to input or modelling errors.
The classical method of short circuit calculation such as the ohmic method and the per unit are abstract, complex and time consuming while computer utility software are abstract though fast and simple but the user has no idea of the right answer or don’t realize that the computer results has errors due to input or modeling inaccuracies.
The easy way to do electrical calculations such as short circuit, load flow and motor starting is the MVA method. The MVA method is accurate, easy to use, easy to remember and no complex entities to deal with. The MVA method is a simple and quick electrical system analysis which is easy to relate to, simple to use, and accurate enough for use in developing electrical systems and to check or verify formal computer calculations.
This method of analysis can be used for short circuit, load flow, voltage drop, motor starting, power factor correction and many other day to day electrical systems calculations.