Neutral Bus Forums

A new forum for electrical practitioners has been recently launched. To ensure that members are bonafide electrical practitioners, the membership is by invitation only. If you are an electrical practitioner …

Xenforo – A First Time User

After almost eight (8) years of using SMF in my UBP, has moved on to use a commercial forum software, Xenforo. The reason behind of the migration was to provide …

Have been busy lately with UBP

I have been busy lately with Underbones Philippines (UBP) that I missed to update my personal blog Ver Pangonilo – Filipino Engineer. UBP is a community forum for motorcycle enthusiasts …

Another Gas Leak Explosion

Gas (LPG or LNG) is a common commodity in a modern household. It is used primarily for cooking or heating. The New York building explosion is another tragedy caused by …

Road Safety Concerns

Road safety in Doha, Qatar is a main concern. During our induction as new employees, the contract manager have shown us road mishaps that even pedestrians are not safe from …